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Eczema and Us

by Dont Scratch on September 14, 2022

Hello ….

So I have decided that on top of being a mummy, wife, cleaner, chef, full time worker, social media expert (defiantly debatable) and an all round superhero 😏, or superherey as my 2 year old would say, I am going to start a blog.

I am by no means, in any way shape or form a blogger or influencer, so from me it will be a mix between skincare advice, current trends and just life stuff.

If there is anything in particular you would like to see please do let us know.

How we got here ….

If you haven’t already read our ‘about’ section of the website, you wont know the struggles we faced that lead to us creating Don’t Scratch.

My husband has suffered quite severe Eczema and Dermatitis from I have known him, which will be coming up on 16 years!  I am sure he could open a pharmacy from the sheer amount of topical steroid creams he has been prescribed through the years and to cut a long story short, they just didn’t work - long term at least.

However being young, naive and looking the ‘quick fix’ he used the steroids constantly for years only to result in the total break down of his skin barrier, which was practically non existent up until a year or so ago.

Through the use of natural products and alternative therapies he is well on his way to healing his skin correctly and from the inside out.

So you know what they say about boys keeping you on your toes … welcome our 1st baby, a healthy and happy baby boy.  Or so he was for about 3 days.

The screaming started, the eczema came, the milk allergy was confirmed and my mind was lost.

Only this time it was worse, it was my baby!

Not that I love my husband any less, but I was his mummy, I was supposed to protect him from all things bad, he was just brand new and I couldn’t fix it…..

Next came the GP appointments, dermatology appointments, dietician appointments which all resulted in a prescription for steroids.  Which lets face it, I gladly took so that my child could gain some relief if even for a short time.

I also want to point out at this point that I am in no way bashing the GP’s or Professionals that have helped us through the years!

I am well aware that many have found prescription medication to be the only thing that has worked.

We are simply telling our story.

After a while we decided to try our own route.  We introduced a goats milk formula (own personal choice please speak to a medical professional prior to changing any baby’s milk supply) and worked our way through the many natural remedy’s.

Thankfully I am delighted to say that currently (touch wood) everyone’s skin is stable and what we really wanted to do was create a place for Skincare that was simple and suitable for ALL skin types.

A place for those with a slight sensitivity or those suffering with really reactive skin types such as Eczema, Acne, Dermatitis to come together and see that we don’t need the unnecessary chemicals.

We just need good pure and honest skincare products that do what they say on the tin!